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اخبار > مقاله شماره 22

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مقالات علمی

مقاله شماره 22



Introduction: Treating patients with trophic ulcers (TUs) of venous etiology (VE) is a complicated socio-medical and economic problem. One of the ways to increase treatment efficiency can be a complex therapy, including combined laser action.

Methods: The objective of this study was a comparative evaluation of the efficiency of traditional treatment methods in patients with chronic venous diseases of C6 class, and combined laser therapy (LT) according to a new method by LASMIK® device. External exposure was conducted on the 1-4 affected area during one session for 2 minutes per zone (pulsed mode, light pulse duration of 100-130 ns, wavelength 635 nm, by a matrix emitter consisting of eight laser diodes with a surface area of 8 cm2, at a distance of up to 7 cm, pulsed power 40 W). Intravenous laser blood illumination (ILBI) was conducted in continuous mode with a wavelength of 365-405 nm (UV-spectrum) and 520-525 nm (green spectrum) alternately, during 12 daily sessions, according to a special scheme.

Results: The new method reduces time periods for wound surface cleansing from purulo-necrotic masses, stimulates proliferation and epithelialization processes by 2-2.7 times, compared with the conventional method.

Conclusion: The high efficiency of a new combined LT has been demonstrated in the treatment of TU of VE in combination with traditional methods of patients’ medical treatment.

Keywords: Trophic ulcer of venous etiology; Low level laser therapy; Venous Insufficiencies; Ulcer.

see more: http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jlms/article/view/11574/6

١٠:٢٩ - 1396/06/14    /    شماره : ١٥٢    /    تعداد نمایش : ٤٦٩٧

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 بازدید این صفحه : 121571
 بازدید امروز : 276
 کل بازدید : 913347
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