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اخبار > مقاله شماره 17

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مقالات علمی

مقاله شماره 17




To achieve proper bond strength for porcelains, adequate surface roughness is essential, which is traditionally gained by sandblasting or acid etching with hydrofluoric (HF) acid. Nowadays with the development of laser systems, serious efforts were made to apply this new instrument for surface etching of porcelains due to easy usage, safety, and more efficiency. There are different kinds of lasers and porcelains, so choosing the ones which will be good match for each other is crucial. Besides that, changing the irradiation setting can be beneficial as well. This article reviewed 33 related studies and summarized results of etching accomplished by Nd:YAG, Er:YAG, Er,Cr:YSGG and CO


2 lasers on different types of porcelains considering different laser settings and evaluation methods to bring a comprehensive insight.

see more: http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jlms/article/view/13430/1

١١:٠٨ - 1396/05/15    /    شماره : ١٤٧    /    تعداد نمایش : ٣٩٤٤

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 بازدید این صفحه : 121608
 بازدید امروز : 345
 کل بازدید : 913416
 بازدیدکنندگان آنلاين : 1
 زمان بازدید : 0/1875
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